Employers set to face wave of flexible-work requests

There's some good news on the horizon.

New legislation comes into force at the end of June which sees the right to request flexible working extended to any employee with 26 weeks’ service.

And a survey by YouGov of 2,300 workers has shown that 26 per cent of workers are likely to take advantage of that right. 

At present only employees with children under 17 and carers have that right, but employers could now see a surge of requests from their whole work force. 

Flexible working covers options from part-time and term-time working to job sharing, home working, flexitime and compressed hours.

Although presenting initial challenges for smaller businesses, the government hopes companies will benefit from having a more loyal workforce, potentially raising productivity and reducing sickness absence - and all the evidence suggests they will.

Richard Smith, head of employment law at human resources consultancy Croner, said the changes were good news because they replaced the current statutory procedure with a duty to deal with requests in a “reasonable” manner.

“It does not give employees the right to working flexibly but provides a right to request it,” he said.

“Employees can request a change to working hours, working time or working location once every 12 months.”

Great news for those of us seeking a job share option - and likely to be much more attractive to your employer if you go to them with your job share partner already up your sleeve - which is where we come in - register at shareyourjob.com and find your perfect job share partner now. 


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