Legal Help

If you need further advice on your rights at work, Working Families can help. Working Families is a charity which advises parents, expectant parents and carers on flexible working and all aspects of combining work and caring responsibilities.

For advice and support, call the free legal helpline on 0300 012 0312, email or visit

Coaching and Training

Red Door Coaching and Training Limited

Linda and Tracy job shared with M&S for 8 years before setting up Red Door in 2009. They are great advocates of job sharing and know what it takes to make it successful. They recently shared their experience and knowledge with the job sharing Leaders of the Green Party; Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley who said "The opportunity to discuss the realities of job sharing with two such experts was immensely helpful, and their insights were clear and constructive.".

Red Door offer 2-1 coaching and/or workshop sessions for Job Sharers and their Line Managers which can include:

  • Myers Briggs personality assessments;
  • A review of each partner's Values and Motivations which are widely considered to be crucial factors in successful job shares
  • Discussions around Decision Making, Communication and Managing Others, which are again key issues that need to be addressed.

For more information on Job Share Coaching please contact Linda or Tracy at or 01454 881954