The whole concept of the job share is about making your work life balance less of the high wire act which many find juggling home and career to be.
Who you pair up with to take the step into a formal job share arrangement is a vital decision. You want somebody with drive, who holds the same desires which do at work and that can step into your shoes in the workplace with assured ease.
You are, in essence, on the search for another brilliantly talented YOU who also wants to share a role and you're unlikely to come across them on train.
It's a lot like finding Mr or Mrs Right in the romance stakes too, which is why our system takes a similar approach and aims to use your needs to match up with a perfect partner who unbeknownst to you needs you just and much as you need them.
Once we've found your match you and your partner may both benefit from an informal interview scenario. This can provide you with the chance to voice any reservations and discuss the POA for duty splitting. You’re then able to craft a seamless job share and set down a crystal clear schedule, leaving absolutely no room for crossed wires and increasing your chances of getting your proposal signed off by your boss too.
Each job share is totally different so it’s down to you to work closely with your partner and determine how you can best accomplish your goals.
But you just need help to find them first, which is why signing up with us right now is your first step to a new work/life future.