Job Share Beats Part Time As Flexi Option

Anyone who's ever tried to cover a full time role on a part time basis knows there's often a flaw to the plan. 

When the workload doesn't decrease but the paid hours do all too often what results is an employee cramming five days work into four and being more stressed not less. 
Melissa Richardson, director of Australian business consultancy Horizons Unlimited hit the nail on the head when she said:
“Part-time work often involves a demanding workload to be completed in less time for less money. The problem with part-time work is you get the pro rata salary, but you end up working much longer hours." 
For job sharers though when they go home, they really do go home because their trusty job share partner takes over so they're not getting the phone calls and emails after hours and don't have the worry of going back to work to face a mountain of grief. 
Finding a part-time set up that is realistic and manageable, particularly for working parents, is no mean feat - which is why we are determined to help as many people as possible find their perfect job share partner. 

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