With everyone in the news talking about Kayne's admission to hospital, we thought we'd look at what may be the cause.
The whole world seems to be talking about Kanye West these days, so we thought we’d weigh in too. You might be wondering why, but trust us! We’re going somewhere with this.
Recently, rapper, fashion designer and entrepreneur Kanye West had to cancel (at least in some part) his most recent tour due to what’s being reported as “a medical emergency”. It later was reported that this was down to psychological issues brought on by “sleep deprivation and serious dehydration”. After a few hours of convincing from friends and medical staff, he was taken willingly to hospital to recover.
So what has this got to with us at Share Your Job? While we may not know exactly what is affecting Kanye himself, he shares symptoms of something that affects us all: Stress.
At some point or another, stress rears its ugly head for us all and when it does it can cause all sorts of problems. Leaving stress unchecked can lead to anything from headaches and elevated blood pressure through to sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Making sure that you have a way to deal with stress is so important not just for your mental health but your physical health too.
This is especially true for single parents or those with dependants. People who have massive personal commitments who are also trying to juggle a full time job are far more likely to succumb to stress than those who have a much more natural work life balance. This is where we come in.
Helping you find your work life balance is something we take seriously at Share Your Job. If you’re having trouble coping with your workload and balancing that with your personal life, don’t wait until you’re too stressed to function! See how we can help you take back some control by helping you find your perfect job share partner.
And most importantly, if you are stressed make sure you talk to someone. It can be hard to admit that you need help, that’s true for almost everyone, but there’s no need to suffer alone. You can find help on dealing with stress here: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/reduce-stress.aspx