Looking for perfect work partner popular too this New Year

According to online dating site Match.com last night represented the UK's busiest yearly moment for lonely hearts sign ups. 

The company expected 95% per cent higher than normal traffic based on previous years marking out the first Sunday in January as the most likely time in the entire year for people to want to find that special person who can change their lives for the better. 

Now while shareyourjob.com isn't a web dating portal of course we do share common ground with the likes of Match.com when it comes to helping people find the special person they need in their lives - albeit in our case to revolutionise their work life rather than their love life! What's more we've been seeing a big spike in people signing up for our free service since New Year too. 

As millions of people make the journey to work on what for many is their first day back, we are continuing to see scores of new people registering their details with us so they can begin to find the perfect person to be their job share partner. 

If you want to join them and change the way you work forever then spend the most productive five minutes of the week registering at www.shareyourjob.com

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