New Year. New You?

Are you going to get a better balance in 2016?

We’ve all said it before haven’t we, “New Year, new me”. I know I’m guilty of it for sure! January rolls around and I’ve got my gym membership, some new trainers and enough protein powder to fuel an army. Then February rears its ugly head and I think “I can miss the gym today, it won’t matter…” Next thing you know it’s December again and my shiny new running shoes are being used as door stops.

We always try to make positive changes for ourselves; it might be heading to the gym, trying to eat that bit healthier or working extra hard to get that promotion at work. Whatever it is though, we know we’ve got to make these right changes for ourselves, no one else is going to do it!

Sometimes though, no matter how hard we try or how much we want to change things, life tends to get in the way. You might not be able to get to the gym because you have the kids to look after or you might not be able to put in those extra hours at the office because you have a dependant. It’s one of those situations that life throws you into that there’s no getting around. Unless…

Your new year’s resolutions are often squashed by one thing: time. Not enough time to get to work and look after the kids AND make a big life change. I get it, days just don’t seem long enough! So how do you squeeze more time into your day without having to sacrifice anything? Have you considered job sharing?

Sharing your job with someone else can be a great choice for all of you lacking that valuable resource that is time. This means more time to spend with the kids, more time to take care of those who need you and, most importantly, more time for you to do what you need to do.

But if time is the only thing holding you back, why not just get a part time job? The problem here is that part time roles often don’t offer you the same career progression that a full time one does. With a job share you’ll be two people fulfilling one full time role with all of the experience and career progression that comes with it!

So if you’re planning on getting the drop on 2016 by steering your career in the right direction while still making sure that there’s time for you and the things you want from life, consider job sharing! We’re here to help you find your perfect job share partner, so get ready to Share Your Job!

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