Teachers Turning To Job Share To Keep In The Classroom

It’s that time of year again, when teachers all over the UK are frantically twitching with excitement; waiting for the blissful summer holidays to arrive. School will soon be out and the many thousands of teachers and the army of invaluable teaching assistants with children of their own get to spend some quality time with the family away from marking and parents evenings. 

But what about the other 10 months of the year? Increasingly teachers are looking to job shares to restore some work life balance, keep them motivated and crucially in the classroom, albiet for not all of the week.

Once frowned upon for the perceived lack of continuity, teaching job shares are now being seen not just as something that's here to stay and an invaluable way of retaining brilliant members of staff, but also as a great way to give pupils a diverse, broader learning experience. 

Two heads are, after all, better than one and a class of students can only gain from two fresh, motivated educators and the National Union of Teachers agrees too:

“There is no evidence that splitting responsibility for classes in any way affects pupils’ education. The quality of work of part-time teachers, including job sharers, was “significantly above the national average”.

Of course the nature of the job means that crystal clear communication and excellent cooperation between the two sharers is key, which is why it’s so important you choose your partner wisely. 

Which is where we can help. 

Sign up with Share Your Job now and the search for your perfect work partner can begin today. 

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