The Festival That Could Change Your Life - And No Wellies Required

The festival season is almost upon us but for everyone here at Share Your Job there's one that stands out a mile.

Workfest 2015 is Mumsnet's burgeoning women and work event back bigger and better than ever. 

Alright, it might not have the headlining super groups or indeed the questionable sanitation, but what it has in abundance is the wisdom and advice to help you shake your career by the ears thanks to the tips, tricks and expert advice on hand. 


Whether you are rebooting things after having children, are keen to make a change in your role, or even have an idea you'd like to start up on your own with, this is the place to come. 

What's more we'll be there too, because flexible working and in particular job sharing is a huge part of the new working landscape. 

We'll be on hand to answer your questions about how we can help you find your perfect job share partner and talk through the best ways to sell the benefits of job sharing to your boss (take a look at another of our blogs here - - for more on that). 

Workfest takes place on the 16th May at Euston Square, London and you can find out all the details, not to mention snapping up one of the remaining tickets, here -

Share your Job is proud to be co sponsoring the event so if you come along be sure to pop over, say hello and we can begin the journey to finding your perfect job share partner - and changing your work life balance forever. 

And you can leave your wellies at home too! 

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