The Time To Build a Job Share Army Has Arrived!

We've got news - is now live!

There might be a few little glitches still to iron out along the way (do let us know if you come across any) but all in all its good to go.

If we say so ourselves, we’re pretty proud of it - mainly because it’s been a passion of ours to encourage workers everywhere to strike the right work/life balance by working part time and specifically in a job share.

As working mums we know how difficult it is to carry on with meaningful and fulfilling careers whilst bringing up our young children and it struck us that it doesn’t need to be this way.

Sharing your job with a like-minded, equally qualified person can so often be a win-win situation for both the employees and employers.  Recent research on job sharing conducted by seven heavyweight global organisations including Centrica, Deloitte, Dhl, Freshfields, Herbert Smith, Kpmg and RBS showed that benefits to individuals included:

• The ability to work in a big/senior role on a part-time basis

• Job satisfaction and feeling part of the team – you don’t miss anything, the incidentals that happen in the week are all handed over from your partner

• Career progression – there was a general consensus that moving on in your career as a job share was easier than if you were a part-timer on your own

• The ability to switch off and handover accountability – unlike people in senior solo roles working part-time, job sharers can switch off most of the time on non-work days, knowing their partner is covering the role.

The research findings also dispelled a common myth that job sharers need to know each other before becoming job share partners.

Of the people that were surveyed, 54% knew their partner before-hand and 46% did not, clearly demonstrating that job shares can be successful when the individuals have not worked together before.

What's needed to make job sharing as bigger deal as it should be is a place where we can browse and meet our potential job share partners.

Which is why we've created

All you need to do is register on the  for free with absolutely no strings attached and become part of a growing community of current and potential job sharers and employers.

And if you're not be ready to job share just yet, sign up anyway and keep your eye on who is out there so you can move quickly when the time comes.

Be part of and make your work/life balance the way you want it - and be sure to spread the word, the more people join our community, the more likely you are to find your perfect job share partner.

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