We can help you make 2015 truly life changing

So then, new year, new you and all that jazz. 

But what if this year really did mark a change for you, a fundamental overhaul of how work impacts on the rest of your life? 

If you're already dreading going back to the day job or worrying about how little time you're going to be able to spend with your children, partner or geraniums ...then right now is a very good time indeed to think about how you could cut down your working hours and still manage to have a fulfilling career. 


While turning your role into a job share can feel like a daunting task there is one fundamental piece of the jigsaw that will increase the chances of your employer giving the thumbs up immeasurably - and that is finding the perfect person to share your job with. If you had someone else lined up who was as skilled as you in your line of work and also wanted to do flexible hours, you could offer yourself as a job share package that made sure your employer wouldn't lose out in any way. 


But how? 


The answer is simple, www.shareyourjob.com 


We offer a free dating agency style service that matches you to a person who is looking for and qualified to do your job. You just register, enter a profile and shareyourjob will match you with others whose skills and experience match yours and you can also have a look at other people's profiles on the site and contact them if you think they might make a suitable match. 

Even if you're not ready right now to take the job share plunge it's worth registering just to keep your eyes and ears to the ground of other people's availability and their possible job opportunities too. 

Happy new year and here's to a 2015 when things really change for the better.  


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